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Pre & Post Treatment Instructions

Learn how to prepare for and recover from our specialized treatments.

    • Refrain from any food or drink (including water) for at least 8 hours prior to your appointment

      • Note: If you are taking Ozempic, Wegovy, or similar medications (GLP-1 Receptor Antagonists), please plan to hold for 1 week. Depending on your dosage and reason for taking these medications, a medical clearance by your primary care physician or endocrinologist may be required. It is extremely important to inform us of any sensation of a full or incompletely empty stomach the day of the appointment.

    • You must be accompanied by an adult when you arrive for your appointment. Your escort will need to remain on premise and be responsible for transporting you home after.

    • Avoid any tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, or recreational substance usage prior to anesthesia for at least 24 hours, ideally one week.

    • If you have any cough, cold, or other illnesses, inform our office as soon as possible prior to the appointment.

    • Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Remove any jewelry, contact lenses, or dentures.

    • Avoid heels, excessive makeup/lipstick, or nail polish.

    • Do not plan to drive or operate machinery for 24 hours after anesthesia.

  • Bleeding:

    • Remain biting firmly on gauze over the extraction sites to stop any bleeding. Maintain firm gauze pressure for 20-30 minutes at a time. Exchange for fresh gauze as needed for another 20-30 minutes and repeat until bleeding stops (the gauze should be white, pink, or only slightly red tinged at that point).

    • Refrain from physical activity, vigorous rinsing, or drinking through straws for 48 hours as that may restart bleeding. If bleeding restarts, bite firmly on gauze for 20-30 minutes at a time until bleeding stops again.


    • Apply ice to the face, alternating every 15 minutes, as much as possible the first 24 hours after surgery to minimize swelling. Swelling is normal and usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen, please notify our office.

    • After 24 hours, heat or cold may be applied depending on your preference for comfort.


    • Be very careful or wait until numbness has worn off before eating so you do not accidentally bite your tongue, cheek, or lip.

    • Eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids for several days after surgery. Avoid anything too hot or spicy and any foods with small pieces like rice, seeds, and granola.

    • Resume your normal diet as tolerated over the first week.

    Pain Control and Medication Use:

    • Use pain medication, antibiotics, and other prescribed medications as instructed by your surgeon.

    • Begin using pain medication even before numbness has worn off. Ibuprofen and Tylenol may be safely taken together.

    • Avoid smoking and alcohol for at least one week after surgery to minimize the risk of painful complications like dry socket.

    • Pain usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen or persist after, please notify our office.

    Brushing and Flossing:

    • Resume brushing and flossing the morning after surgery. Gently brush the areas around the surgical sites but avoid traumatizing the tissue.

    • During healing, use non-alcoholic mouthwash or gentle warm salt water rinses as needed to keep healing areas clean.

    • It is normal for the dissolving stitches to fall out on their own over the course of the first or second week during activities like brushing and eating.

  • Bleeding:

    • Bleeding after implant surgery is usually minimal. If needed, any heavier bleeding can be controlled by biting firmly on gauze over the surgical area. Maintain firm gauze pressure for 20-30 minutes at a time. Exchange for fresh gauze as needed for another 20-30 minutes and repeat until bleeding stops (the gauze should be white, pink, or only slightly red tinged at that point).

    • Refrain from physical activity, vigorous rinsing, or drinking through straws for 48 hours postoperatively as that may restart bleeding. If bleeding restarts, bite firmly on gauze for 20-30 minutes at a time until bleeding stops again.


    • Apply ice to the face, alternating every 15 minutes, as much as possible the first 24 hours after surgery to minimize swelling. Swelling is normal and usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen, please notify our office.

    • After 24 hours, heat or cold may be applied depending on your preference for comfort.


    • Be very careful or wait until numbness has worn off before eating so you do not accidentally bite your tongue, cheek, or lip.

    • Eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids for several days after surgery. Avoid anything too hot or spicy and any foods with small pieces like rice, seeds, and granola.

    • Resume your normal diet as tolerated over the first week.

    • Avoid chewing directly on the implant site until your surgeon has informed you the implant has fully healed (usually takes 2-3 months).

    Pain Control and Medication Use:

    • Use pain medication, antibiotics, and other prescribed medications as instructed by your surgeon.

    • Begin using pain medication even before numbness has worn off. Ibuprofen and Tylenol may be safely taken together.

    • Avoid smoking and alcohol for at least one week after surgery to minimize the risk of complications.

    • Pain usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen or persist after, please notify our office.

    Brushing and Flossing:

    • Maintain excellent oral hygiene before and after implant surgery. If possible, brush and floss immediately prior to your appointment.

    • Continue normal brushing and flossing the morning after surgery with care to be very gentle around the implant site. During healing, use non-alcoholic mouthwash or gentle warm salt water rinses as needed to keep healing areas clean.

    Dental prosthetics and appliances:

    • Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding wearing any dentures, flippers, and other oral prostheses or appliances.

    • Avoid wearing anything that places direct pressure on a newly placed dental implant.

  • Bleeding:

    • Remain biting firmly on gauze over the extraction sites to stop any bleeding. Maintain firm gauze pressure for 20-30 minutes at a time. Exchange for fresh gauze as needed for another 20-30 minutes and repeat until bleeding stops (the gauze should be white, pink, or only slightly red tinged at that point).

    • Refrain from physical activity, vigorous rinsing, or drinking through straws for 48 hours as that may restart bleeding. If bleeding restarts, bite firmly on gauze for 20-30 minutes at a time until bleeding stops again.


    • Apply cold to the area as much as possible for the first 24 hours after surgery to minimize swelling. Depending on the surgery, this may be done by icing the face alternating on and off every 15 minutes. Applying cold to the palate area is done best by drinking cold fluids or eating cold foods like ice cream.

    • Swelling is normal and usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen, please notify our office.

    • After 24 hours, heat or cold may be applied depending on your preference for comfort.


    • Be very careful or wait until numbness has worn off before eating so you do not accidentally bite your tongue, cheek, or lip.

    • Eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids for several days after surgery. Avoid anything too hot or spicy and any foods with small pieces like rice, seeds, and granola.

    • Resume your normal diet as tolerated over the first week.

    Pain Control and Medication Use:

    • Use pain medication, antibiotics, and other prescribed medications as instructed by your surgeon.

    • Begin using pain medication even before numbness has worn off. Ibuprofen and Tylenol may be safely taken together.

    • Avoid smoking and alcohol for at least one week after surgery to minimize the risk of complications.

    • Pain usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen or persist after, please notify our office.

    Brushing and Flossing:

    • Resume brushing and flossing the morning after surgery. Gently brush the areas around the surgical sites but avoid traumatizing the tissue.

    • During healing, use non-alcoholic mouthwash or gentle warm salt water rinses as needed to keep healing areas clean.

    • It is normal for the dissolving stitches to fall out on their own over the course of the first or second week during activities like brushing and eating.

    Orthodontic Follow-up:

    • You may notice a gold chain in the area of the surgical site that will be secured to your brace wire, this will be activated by your orthodontist to start bringing your impacted tooth into the proper position

    • Plan to see your orthodontist about 2-4 weeks after surgery to allow for some healing time

  • Bleeding:

    • Some bleeding after bone grafting or guided bone regeneration is normal but usually minimal. In the case of guided bone regeneration, it is best to minimize direct pressure to and manipulation of the area during healing as this may compromise bone growth.

    • If needed, any heavier bleeding can be controlled by biting firmly on gauze over the surgical area. Maintain firm gauze pressure for 20-30 minutes at a time. Exchange for fresh gauze as needed for another 20-30 minutes and repeat until bleeding stops (the gauze should be white, pink, or only slightly red tinged at that point).

    • Refrain from physical activity, vigorous rinsing, or drinking through straws for 48 hours postoperatively as that may restart bleeding. If bleeding restarts, bite firmly on gauze for 20-30 minutes at a time until bleeding stops again.


    • Apply ice to the face, alternating every 15 minutes, as much as possible the first 24 hours after surgery to minimize swelling. Swelling is normal and usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen, please notify our office.

    • After 24 hours, heat or cold may be applied depending on your preference for comfort.


    • Be very careful or wait until numbness has worn off before eating so you do not accidentally bite your tongue, cheek, or lip.

    • Eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids for several days after surgery. Avoid anything too hot or spicy and any foods with small pieces like rice, seeds, and granola.

    • Resume your normal diet as tolerated over the first week.

    Pain Control and Medication Use:

    • Use pain medication, antibiotics, and other prescribed medications as instructed by your surgeon.

    • Begin using pain medication even before numbness has worn off. Ibuprofen and Tylenol may be safely taken together.

    • Avoid alcohol for at least two weeks after surgery to minimize the risk of complications.

    • It is best to avoid smoking during healing for optimal bone grafting results.

    • Pain usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen or persist after, please notify our office.

    Brushing and Flossing:

    • Resume brushing and flossing the morning after surgery. Gently brush the areas around the surgical sites but avoid traumatizing the tissue.

    • During healing, use non-alcoholic mouthwash or gentle warm salt water rinses as needed to keep healing areas clean.


    • Most bone grafts will have dissolvable stitches that eventually fall on their own

    • In some situations, your surgeon may use non-dissolving stitches that require a follow-up appointment for removal.

    • It is normal to notice small granules of loose grafting material in the mouth early on.

  • Bleeding:

    • Some bleeding a sinus lift is normal but usually minimal. If needed, any heavier bleeding can be controlled by biting firmly on gauze over the surgical area. Maintain firm gauze pressure for 20-30 minutes at a time. Exchange for fresh gauze as needed for another 20-30 minutes and repeat until bleeding stops (the gauze should be white, pink, or only slightly red tinged at that point).

    • Refrain from physical activity, vigorous rinsing, or drinking through straws for 48 hours postoperatively as that may restart bleeding. If bleeding restarts, bite firmly on gauze for 20-30 minutes at a time until bleeding stops again.


    • Apply ice to the face, alternating every 15 minutes, as much as possible the first 24 hours after surgery to minimize swelling. Swelling is normal and usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen, please notify our office.

    • After 24 hours, heat or cold may be applied depending on your preference for comfort.


    • Be very careful or wait until numbness has worn off before eating so you do not accidentally bite your tongue, cheek, or lip.

    • Eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids for several days after surgery. Avoid anything too hot or spicy and any foods with small pieces like rice, seeds, and granola.

    • Resume your normal diet as tolerated over the first week.

    Pain Control and Medication Use:

    • Use pain medication, antibiotics, and other prescribed medications as instructed by your surgeon.

    • Begin using pain medication even before numbness has worn off. Ibuprofen and Tylenol may be safely taken together.

    • Avoid alcohol for at least two weeks after surgery to minimize the risk of complications.

    • It is best to avoid smoking during healing for optimal bone grafting results.

    • Pain usually peaks around day 2 or 3. If it continues to worsen or persist after, please notify our office.

    Brushing and Flossing:

    • Resume brushing and flossing the morning after surgery. Gently brush the areas around the surgical sites but avoid traumatizing the tissue.

    • During healing, use non-alcoholic mouthwash or gentle warm salt water rinses as needed to keep healing areas clean.

    Sinus Precautions (first three weeks):

    • It is normal to have some congestion after a sinus lift. Over-the-counter decongestants like Flonase can be used for this.

    • If you need to sneeze, sneeze with your mouth open (do not try to hold it in as that builds up sinus pressure that could cause grafting complications)

    • Avoid forceful nose-blowing

    • Avoid Advil, Aspirin, blood thinners, Vitamin E, ginger, Ginko bilboa, ginseng, and garlic for 1 week before and after as these can increase risk of unwanted bruising.

    • Avoid manipulating or massaging the injected areas for 12 hours as this may spread the botox to unwanted areas, resulting in suboptimal results.

    • Try to keep your head in an upright position for 6 hours after (avoid lying down or leaning over during this time).

    • It may take up to 10 days for full effect.

    • Avoid Advil, Aspirin, blood thinners, Vitamin E, ginger, Ginko bilboa, ginseng, and garlic for 1 week before and after as these can increase risk of unwanted bruising.

    • Avoid touching, manipulating, or massaging the injected areas for 12 hours.

    • Do not apply makeup, moisturizer, cleanser or anything else to the face for 24 hours.

    • Ice may be applied in 15 minute intervals during the first 12 hours.

    • Sleep with your head elevated the first night and avoid sleeping on your side or stomach.

    • Avoid dental work and skin care treatments for 30 days after fillers.

    • If you experience severe pain, dusky purple or white discoloration of the area, severe swelling, itching, or difficulty swallowing, notify our office immediately.


​Call (201) 565-0409 or request your appointment online. It is quick and convenient.

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